The Brazosport Area Chamber of Commerce website was a custom project from top to bottom, and it was truly a joy to work with their dedicated staff. Their website includes a robust member directory that is searchable by various types of terms, a section highlighting each of the geographic areas served by the Chamber, and a front page that features their dynamic social media presence. The Chamber’s publications also take front and center, each browsable in a “flippable” format to enhance user engagement.
Brazosport Chamber Website Wins First Place in TCCE Excellence Awards
The Chamber was recently honored for their website and publications. Via their press release:
Local Chambers from across the state of Texas gathered Monday, June 20, 2016 for the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives (TCCE) Annual Excellence Awards. The awards honor organizations for exceptional efforts in marketing, communications and media outreach.
The Brazosport Area Chamber of Commerce was honored as the best in Texas, winning first place for its website. In addition to this, the Brazosport Area Chamber of Commerce placed third in the category of brochures.
“This is an extremely competitive process,” said Ray Hernandez, TCCE Vice-Chairman of Communications whose leadership division oversees the process. “This year we had a large number of entries from around the state and judges that were attentive to every detail. Rest assured the winners had to demonstrate their best. A victory tonight truly indicates the Brazosport Area Chamber of Commerce is the best in 2016 in websites, and third in brochures.
The overall competition had more than 200 entries from which the best were judged by panels of experts in the specific field around the state. “This honor demonstrates the phenomenal work done by the Brazosport Area Chamber of Commerce organizationally and in the community” said Eddie McBride, 2016 TCCE Board Chairman and President/CEO of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce.
Sandra Shaw, President & CEO, Brazosport Area Chamber of Commerce stated “I want to thank Dorian Speed, Up To Speed, who developed the website, and the Chamber staff, Donna Hargraves, Edith Fischer & Kristy Cours, that assisted in the design of the website and consistently keeps the information up to date. I was so excited to win both awards and honored to have the Brazosport Area Chamber of Commerce receive state recognition.”